Thursday, December 29, 2011

Elias Parker

Born on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at 6:42pm 5lbs 7oz 18.5 inches long. The story of your birth is just as amazing and beautiful as you are!

Daddy had a business trip planned for Dec 17-19. We both worried that it was just too close to your due date, which was Jan 12 (c section planned for Jan 5), although Daddy was FAR more concerned than I was. At my most recent Drs appt, I wasn't making any progress so I didn't expect any action at all while Daddy was away. Still, your Nana came to spend the weekend to help me out with your big brother. It was a pretty uneventful weekend. The only things that stood out were that I was a bit cranky, very exhausted, and VERY emotional! I cried almost all weekend for no reason at all! My appetite was pretty small as well. But I had no signs of labor what so ever. Daddy was expected to be home Monday night and Nana had to leave to work the night shift. I was feeling really exhausted and emotional on Monday. I only ate a bowl of spaghetti all day. At about 7:45 that night, just before Nana left, Jayden came up to me and kissed my belly and said "Mommy, baby brother is ready to come out." I teared up and said "I know baby. I'm ready for him to come out too." Nana asked Jayden how the baby would get out of mommy's tummy and somehow Jayden knew, even though we never spoke to him about this...He took his hands and made make believe scissors and cut across my belly. Yeah, he's just as amazing as you are :) Nana left at 8. Daddy got home at 9. That's when the fun began!

At 9:30, I started feeling some uncomfortable cramping. By 10, I noticed that they had a pattern to them and were getting a bit worse each time. I started to time them and they went from being 4.5 minutes apart to being 3 minutes apart by a little after 11pm. I had to wake Daddy up and let him know we needed to go to the hospital. Since it was so late and your big brother was already in bed, Daddy drove around the corner to pick up your older cousin so she could be at home with Jayden while I was examined at the hospital. I half way packed a bag for myself. just in case, and left it by my closet door, just in case. I definitely didn't expect that I'd need Daddy to come back home and get it for me. We got to the hospital at 12:30 am and I was immediately hooked up to the monitors and the nurses saw how quickly I was contracting so they contacted the Dr on call. Since I was only 36 weeks and 6 days, the Dr wanted to try and stop the contractions b/c it was still a bit early for you to come. They gave me an injection and it worked for maybe 20 minutes or so. Once it wore off the contractions were back, stronger and faster. The nurses came speeding in about an hour later with an IV pole and vials to draw blood. The nurse said "You are really cranking out the contractions now so we need to get you set up just in case." The plan was to try and get me some fluids and then contact my Dr at 7am to get a plan. I tried to get some sleep but it wasn't happening. The nurse offered me pain meds but I refused b/c I was afraid to be sent home and left to worry if the medications had a negative affect on you. I figured the pain was no worse than really bad menstrual cramps so I dealt with them. Dr B came in at 7 on the dot. He said , "Well I wasn't expecting to see you here so soon!" He said I was having some pretty intense contractions but that he would rather keep you in as long as possible to allow more time for your lungs to mature, so I was going to stay in the hospital for observation and be rechecked later that afternoon. I was already 1cm dilated so if I was still 1cm that afternoon and the contractions slowed a good bit, I could go home, however if I was progressing then I would either stay longer or have a baby!! He asked me to rate my pain and I said, with a smile, oh a 5 or a 6 but nothing too bad! lol! Dr. B allowed me to have breakfast but nothing after that "just in case"!! It was all so excited, but I truly expected to get discharge papers when he came back to check me. I continued to contract with very few breaks in between. I napped on and off through out the day. Dr B was supposed to be back by 12 but ended up getting backed up in clinic. By then, I was STARVING and my mouth was so dry. I couldn't have ANYTHING :( By 2, the contractions worsened and the fact that I was so thirsty didn't help things at all. My nurse called Dr. B and he promised he'd be there in the next hour and a half to see me. By 3, the contractions were unbearable. I forgot about any hunger pains b/c the pains from the contractions were front and center! Daddy felt helpless. My nurse came in and started getting paperwork signed for the c section and anything else surrounding your birth b/c she said judging from the contractions I probably wouldn't be released today! I was in tears by the time Dr. B came back to check me. He walked in the door just as I was having another contraction and he looked at my face and said "You've made my decision so much easier. We're going to go ahead with the c section today." Of course, I asked if you would be okay and Dr. B said that although you would still be considered premature, he's sure that you won't need extensive or long term help with breathing, but the NICU staff would be standing by just in case. Lots of "just in case" surrounding you!

So then the phone calls began! The baby is coming today!! Within 30 minutes, the room was filled...Daddy, Nana, Paw Paw, Uncle Jason, and your great Aunt Tricia! My mind went from the pain of the contractions to "OMG I'm about to have a c section!!" Then it shifted to, "OMG, I'm about to have a spinal!!!", then finally it shifted to "OMG, I'm about to have my baby!!! After 7 yrs and I'm about to go into the OR and HAVE A BABY!!" The tears started flowing! The nurse came in to get me and I kissed Daddy on the cheek and off we went to the OR to get prepped.

I won't lie, the spinal was not painful, but it wasn't comfortable either. I was so glad once it was over. The anesthesiologists were so friendly, as were the nurses. Everyone was shuffling about doing their duties and casually talking to each other. Next thing I know, Dr B walks in and the nurse gloves him up, just like I'd seen happen on the birthing shows on TLC. Only now, it's happening to's real!!! Dr. B looks at me and says, "Are you ready to have a baby??" YES, YES I AM!!!

The blue curtain went up. They placed the nasal cannula in my nose. I heard the word "incision" but felt nothing. The anesthesiologist asked if I was ok and I said yes and he said "Good b/c they started about 30 seconds ago!" A few minutes later, Daddy walked in. He was so intrigued by the surgery that he wouldn't even sit down next to me. He wanted to watch and I didn't mind! I wanted him to see you come into this world. My c section took a bit longer than usual b/c of the scar tissue from my previous surgeries but once they got to you they announced "He has LOTS of hair!!" Then they pushed you out! You had your cord wrapped around your neck once but cried as soon as they got you out. I heard a nurse say "He's a tiny thing but he's doing well!" Daddy went over to take pictures while I was stitched back up. Your cry was like sweet music to my ears and I just laid there listening to it play and I smiled! Daddy came back over to me to give me a kiss and I asked who you looked like and he showed me a picture of you. Amazingly, you looked like your big brother to me! Maybe 10 minutes later, the nurse handed you to me. I was still lying flat on the operating table but I remember pulling you in to my face to smell you and give you a kiss and oh my, you were sooooo soft!!! You had your eyes closed and you were so peaceful and content. I was immediately in love with you. I handed you over b/c I couldn't feel if I was going to drop you or not and then the nurse said they needed to take you to the NICU b/c she thought you may need some oxygen. Once in recovery, I learned that you had some rapid, shallow breathing but they were able to hold off on giving you oxygen b/c you corrected your breathing yourself. You did need to stay in the warmer for a while to bring up your body temperature, but otherwise you were fine!When I was wheeled to my room, they wheeled me past the nursery and I got a good look at you in your warmer. You were fussing and sucking your fingers b/c you were hungry! My arms ached to hold you but I had to wait. Finally, you were brought to my room at 10pm. FINALLY!!! After 7 long years of praying for you and thing you would never be, you were in my arms!! My little Elias Parker!! I was beyond thrilled. It was just you and me and Daddy. It was perfect. Your big brother was going to meet you on the next day so he would be afraid of mommy being hooked up to so many machines.

When Jayden came to meet you, it was THE SWEETEST moment ever. You were in the nursery getting checked out by the pediatrician when Jayden got there. He gave me a kiss and said "Where's my baby brother?" About 5 minutes later, the Dr wheeled you in. The look on Jayden's face was as if she'd brought him the BEST christmas gift ever!! He announced, "I'M SO HAPPY!!" Then he held you for the first time and the look of joy on his face reminded me that Jayden has been waiting a long time to meet you as well.

You are 9 days old now and you are a complete joy. You seriously never fuss, and when you do cry it's the CUTEST little cry ever. I can cuddle with you all day, and since you are breastfeeding it's pretty much all I do right now. Jayden is still so in love with you and he tells you everyday. He even shared his beloved Wayne with you last night. I didn't think I had enough love left in my heart for a second child b/c of the love I have for Jayden, but Elias, when you were born it's as if my heart grew 10 times bigger and filled with so much more love for both you and Jayden! I didn't know love like that was possible. I am so very happy that you are here and I can't wait to watch you and Jayden grow up as brothers and friends. You are totally amazing to me and I am blessed to have you!

Oh, and thank you for waiting for Daddy to get home before making your grand entrance! I love you Elias!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

36 weeks

Time is ticking away!! As we get closer to Jan 5, everyone is getting more and more anxious to meet you! Many just can't wait to see your face and to snuggle with one of God's angels, while a select few probably just can't wait to find out what your name will be. It is still TOP SECRET!! LOL!

Your big brother starts his Winter/Christmas break tomorrow. If things go as planned, this two week vacation will be his last two weeks to have mommy and daddy all to himself. He's not big on sharing, but he's getting better! He's already very protective of you, so hopefully he won't mind sharing us with you. We will see very soon!! Love you sweet boy :)

PS. Your knee has been lodged in my ribcage since last night. It hurts. Please move it? Thanks baby!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

35 weeks!!!

Mommy missed a few weeks due to a UTI that had me in L&D, Thanksgiving, and your big brother's birthday! It gets really busy around here during this time of year and pretty soon, you will add to it. We cannot wait! Your big brother LOVES this time of the year and I know you will as well :)

Yesterday we scheduled your birth date, January 5, 2012! Less that 4 weeks away! Of course, you may decide to come earlier, which the Dr said would be ok. I've always been envious of people born on New Year's Eve b/c I thought it was the coolest birthday to have! Never have to go to school on their birthday and there's ALWAYS a party to crash! So, if you want to come on New Year's Eve, Mommy won't mind! NO PRESSURE!! We are ready whenever you are buddy :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

31 weeks

I can just feel you in my arms!!! Smell your newborn sweetness!! I cannot wait to see your face, and you obviously don't want me to see it until the big day. Mommy and Daddy paid $150 to try and see your face with a 3d ultrasound. You were too busy napping and sucking on your thumb. We were disturbing your peace so the most you gave us was a quick glance, sucking hard on your thumb, and few blinks of your eyes before turning your head into the placenta! The tech rescheduled us for a complimentary second visit since you didn't want any pictures that day. I had an ultrasound at the Drs office yesterday, to check your growth and position. You are now head down and facing my spine. All I saw yesterday was the back of your head! Tomorrow is our complimentary visit to try and see you again. If you don't turn around, we'll just have to frame our 3D picture of the back of your head.

Sweet boy, you cannot be camera shy b/c your mommy has a camera just waiting on your arrival!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 weeks

The final stretch!!

Last week, we actually had a little scare! Mommy had to go to the Labor and Delivery ward to be monitored and we found out that I was having contractions. The nurse gave me a shot to stop the contractions and I was released with medication to take every 8 hours and orders for bedrest. No more work for me, just in case you were wondering why you hadn't heard any babies crying lately ;)

So now I'm spending my free time, in between resting of course, to fix up your nursery and prepare for your arrival. I cannot believe I'm going to be meeting you in less than 2 more months!! After 7 yrs of waiting for you, you are almost here! Words cannot express my excitement. Mommy loves you!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

28 weeks

Boy are you getting heavy!!! Mommy feels HUGE! I still love to feel you move around in there. You are still very active, although I expect you to slow down a bit in a few weeks b/c I know you are running out of room in there.

In 3 weeks, we get to see you again on the ultrasound. We may also schedule a 4d ultrasound to see if we can get a good look at those chubby cheeks and your cute button nose (I'm already sure those are two traits you will be born with!). And then, in 11 weeks or so, I will be snuggling you in my arms. I simply cannot wait. Excited is an understatement baby. Love you!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

26 weeks

Time's flying!! Pretty soon, you will be here with us :)

You are getting so big and, oh boy, are you active!! You like to flinch about and sometimes kick hard enough to make me jump. You make my tummy look like an alien resides in it. You get hiccups quite often and it's still really cute, although stronger than they were a few weeks ago. I'm sure within the next few weeks I will be wishing there was a way I could help you be rid of those darn hiccups. But for now, I love them. I love feeling you move about. I know your schedule, pretty much, now and it's so cool that we're bonding already. I love how you wake up as soon as your big brother gets homes from school :)

Mommy and Daddy are working on your room now. I have so many ideas in my head for how I want your room to look, so I hope I can get them out of my head and into your room!

Also, some great news! I think you may FINALLY have a name! I haven't called you by it and I will not even write it out, for fear that it will change...AGAIN! So for now, just rest assured that you will not be leaving the hospital nameless. We love you!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

25 weeks

Oops! It's been a while, but you are not making it easy for me to sit up and blog weekly! We had a small scare last week, with some severe pain I'm having on my left side in one small area. I had a fibroid removed years ago so there is scar tissue inside of my uterus that will be stretched as you get bigger, so the Dr feared that it was getting weak already (which wouldn't be a good thing). So I went in for another ultrasound and you were head down and obviously running out of extra space to flip as much as you used to. Then the Dr asked me to point to the painful area. He put the wand in that spot and there was 85% of your entire body! All stuffed on my left side! So you are putting more pressure on my left side, which is where my scar tissue is, but so far so good. I just have to bear with the pain. It's better on some days though and feeling you move around and have hiccups outweighs any growing pains! I love you lots and cannot wait to meet you. However, stay put as long as you can :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

21 weeks

You definitely scared me this week!! I thought I would be writing from bed this week. Early Tuesday morning, I turned over in my sleep and started screaming in pain. My back felt as if something stabbed me and was turning the knife inside me. I tried to stay still in bed and just sleep it off but by morning, I could barely move. It hurt so bad. I stayed in bed all day and just dealt with the pain but by the afternoon, it was just too much to bear so I called the Dr. The nurse thought it could be a UTI and the Dr wanted to see me the next day just to check things out. And of course you wouldn't stop there...I started having braxton hicks, which are really just painless contractions. So I got in bed for the night and prayed everything was ok. I knew you were fine b/c you kicked and moved around all night. You were more active than ever and even daddy was finally able to feel a kick from outside. That should have given me a clue as to what happened...

The next morning, my back felt much better. Just a little sore. I kept my appt b/c I was still having the braxton hicks. Got to the Dr and the first thing he did was try to locate your heart beat. You have been hanging out on my left side for the ENTIRE pregnancy, so far, so naturally that's where the Dr went to find you but you weren't there. It took a bit longer to find your heartbeat this time and lo and behold, we finally found you in my lower right side. So then we knew what caused that awful back flipped! You are now head down and that's probably why we were finally able to feel those kicks from outside. And when you flipped, it must have pushed out my ribs. I just know that it hurt! And since you still have room, you will probably flip again. But do mommy a favor and hang out in that position for a while longer ;)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

20 weeks!!!!

HALFWAY THERE BABY!!! I cannot believe that in about 18-19 more weeks, I will have you in my arms!

We had our big ultrasound on Tuesday. Mommy and Daddy planned to let it be a surprise on delivery day, whether you were a boy or a girl. In the beginning, I honestly didn't care either way, whether you were a boy or a girl and soon I started to hope you would be a boy so Jayden could have a little brother. But once my family found out I was pregnant, everyone was convinced you were a girl. People were referring to you as she. Your nana was subconsciously choosing gender neutral items that had more pink and green in it than anything else. You future godmother had even went so far as to go out and buy girl clothes for you! I have to admit, all of this talk of you being a girl made me start to believe you were. It also made me start wanting you to be one. When thinking of names, I mainly focused on girl names. Right now, I have a list of about 12 girls names and only 2 boys names (one which was vetoed by your daddy!). I started to worry if I could go the next 20 weeks or so, not knowing. I feared being disappointed on delivery day if you weren't what everyone expected you to be. I prayed on it the night before the ultrasound and asked God to speak to me and tell me what to do. That night, I woke up from a nightmare...You were born and the Drs announced "It's a boy!" and I was so disappointed I cried and didn't want to see you. That broke my heart! Right then and there I knew I needed to find out.

I was so excited at the appointment. My palms were sweating and my legs were shaking. I just couldn't wait to see you and watch you move around. The Dr didn't keep us waiting. We immediately saw your sweet face, although it was covered by your hands AND your feet. Oh my goodness, it was the absolute cutest thing ever to see you all curled up like that. At first you weren't moving around, so the Dr went to do other measurements until you decided to finally move your hands and feet out of your face. Once you started moving, I felt everything and seeing it on the screen was just amazing. Your feet!! Oh my goodness they are so cute and I cannot wait to kiss your little toes! We saw your eyes and you opened and closed your little mouth. The Dr then measured your legs and when he was done measuring he moved around and all of a sudden I knew right away...A BOY!!! You are a sweet sweet boy!! I was overjoyed and so happy that I found out! I love you so much already and I am so happy that I had that joy in my heart and won't have to fear the feeling of disappointment simply b/c you are not what everyone else expected you to be. You are exactly what I expected you to be...My healthy, sweet baby!!

We still haven't told the entire family yet. They will find out at the baby shower. I think that will be so fun :) We may have a name picked out for you, but I won't refer to you by that name until I'm absolutely sure it's your name! Until then, you are mama's little man and I cannot wait to meet you, sweet boy.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

19 weeks

My how I've grown! I've gained back the weight I lost and some extra weight to go along with that. And I'm definitely looking like I'm carrying you in my belly now. Everyone at work likes touching my belly to try and feel you move but you are not kicking hard enough just yet. You still move around a lot though, especially when I lay down or when I'm at work. I think you move around a lot at work b/c you hear the other babies that I'm playing with.

Just a few more days until I get to see your sweet face! Daddy and I have decided not to find out if you are a boy or a girl, but 98% of the people we know seem to think you are a girl. We will find out in January if you prove them right or wrong!

Friday, August 12, 2011

18 weeks

My how you've grown! I know b/c the scale tells me so! I can also tell b/c my belly has gone from being non existent to a cute little bump. I had no idea how heavy it could feel though. I'm trying to learn how to balance the shift in weight. It's pretty hard for me to get out of bed or to stand up when I've been sitting on the floor playing with the babies at work.

Speaking of the babies at work, they are getting me soooo excited to meet you! I've been snuggling little newborns and inhaling that sweet new smell. Mommy cannot wait to snuggle you and breath in your brand new scent all day long! I also cannot wait to change your teeny tiny diapers. And the first smiles and coos?? Mommy cannot wait! I think your big brother is very excited as well! He wanted you to get in his bed and take a nap with him today. He kisses you every morning and every night and says how much he loves you. He also pokes at you trying to make you laugh. You are going to love your big brother!

I really do think I felt you kick me 3 times this morning. I'm for certain that I felt one kick b/c that one made me jump! Your daddy thought it was so funny. Every time I feel you move around in there, it makes this all a reality that you will be joining our family soon. We already have a few things ready for you for when you arrive. Every time I look at it, I smile. I know I say this over and over again, but I cannot wait to see you. And judging by how fast time is flying, it won't be long before you are in my arms and we can stare at each other all day long. I love you, sweet baby.

Friday, July 29, 2011

16 weeks

I went for my monthly check up this week, to check on you and to make sure I'm growing on track as well. You are doing just fine! Very active in there and your heart rate seems to stay on the higher end of the 160s. Such a beautiful sound :)As for me, I'm finally doing better and putting back on the weight I lost in the 1st trimester. I still have 3lbs to gain to get to the weight I was before getting pregnant, but I'm sure I will be there soon enough ;) The Dr asked us if we wanted to have the triple screen test done to find out if there was any possibility that there could be something wrong with you. We denied the testing b/c we know that no matter what, we will love you for who you are despite any disabilities or health problems. We've waited far too long for you and nothing will keep us from meeting you in a few months!

I'm off to pack our bags now for Orlando! Your first trip to Disney and we hope to take you again in the future when you can actually enjoy the sights and sounds. Love you!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

15 weeks

Wow! In the beginning, I felt like the weeks were dragging by. Maybe because I was soooo sick. However, now I feel like time is flying! I'm almost halfway through with the pregnancy, which (right now at least) sucks to me because I am JUST now started to enjoy it! I'm feeling better, reflux is finally under control (fingers crossed), and I'm feeling more human as each day goes on. The best thing yet?? I CAN FEEL YOU MOVE! Oh my goodness! I was told this would be the best feeling in the world, and it is absolutely true. I smile each and everytime I feel you, which has been very often these past two days. You are VERY active in there! I wish I could see what you are up to in there. I know that you like to tease us when we try to listen to you on the doppler now. I can instantly find you with the doppler and you will stay there for a few seconds and the there's a LOUD thump when you kick the doppler and hop away! Next thing I know your heart beat is nowhere to be found and you are now on the other side of my stomach. Then I move the doppler and we start the game all over again. Yesterday, your big brother wanted to listen. Boy did he get a laugh out of you kicking the doppler. I bet he hopes you will pull antics like that once you come home! Then you guys will be double trouble ;)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

13 weeks

The second trimester! Time is really flying by :) My intentions were to write to you at least once a week, but the first trimester was extremely hard for me. Not only was I extremely exhausted, I was very, very sick. By the 6th week of pregnancy, I started throwing up just about everything I ate. Drinking was very hard as well. I lost a lot of weight and became dehydrated. I had to go to the emergency room for fluids and monitoring and was placed on bed rest for a week in order to allow my body to use catch up to all of the changes going on (and to hopefully gain some weight). I will not lie, it was miserable :( The medicines that the Dr gave only took the edge off, but I knew that you were thriving so it was all worth it! I finally started feeling a bit better at the 10 week mark, but just as things were going well I had a new concern. I was leaking fluid and the Dr suspected it was amniotic fluid. The fluid you need to survive. The Dr decided to perform an ultrasound to check on your fluid level. In the end, you were just fine and I got to sneak a peek at you again. I think you were sleeping!

Everyone says that the second trimester is the best. I am finally starting to feel a lot better so I do hope that it proves true for me. My weight gain is still negative, and besides a little belly pouch, I have no evidence of you inside of me. My only constant reminder is through a little machine called a doppler. I can place it on my belly and listen to your heart beat. I love listening to it and what I love even more is how you run away from the doppler. :) One second, I can hear your heart beat really loudly and then it will slowly get lower and lower as you move away from the wand. I can't feel you move yet, but it's fun to know that you are moving around in there and actually responding to my touch. As I listen to your heart beat, I talk to you, I pray for you, and I thank God for you. I love you so much already!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

9 weeks

April 29. The day that our family was changed forever. It definitely caught us by surprise! I had been feeling ill for about a week, and was having strange food aversions and a weird taste in my mouth. I started to convince myself that I was pregnant, even though my period wasn't even late yet. This wasn't the first time I convinced myself I was pregnant, so I knew I was setting myself up for a broken heart. So, on April 29, after work I decided to run out and grab a cheap pregnancy test. I figured at least the sight of a negative test would stop me from psyching myself out. So I hurried home and immediately went upstairs to use the test. I will never forget what I saw and the emotions that went through me at that very moment. First, I was in doubt. There is no way that this test is positive. NO WAY! I stared for a while, then took the test downstairs to your daddy. He told me he saw a plus sign. I couldn't believe it. I ran out and got a better test. Came home and used that one. TWO PINK LINES!!! OMG WE DID IT!!! I laughed, cried, and praised God!

See, we were told by 3 different Drs that we could not conceive without IVF. I have endometriosis and my right tube and ovary are completely covered in scar tissue. So my chances were very low, of conceiving without medical intervention. One thing about your mommy, is that I never stop fighting for something that I want. We were saving money for IVF, but in my heart, I knew we could do this on our own. And surprise!!! Here you are!

So far, you are growing so well! We heard your heart beat just a little over a week ago and it was like music to my ears. I cannot believe that you are growing and thriving in my belly!! Mommy has been pretty sick, though, for the past 3 weeks. Trying to get food into my stomach for you has been hard. We have a great Dr, though, so I know all will be well.

You are due on Jan 12, 2012 and I cannot wait to meet you. My miracle baby!!