Thursday, October 6, 2011

26 weeks

Time's flying!! Pretty soon, you will be here with us :)

You are getting so big and, oh boy, are you active!! You like to flinch about and sometimes kick hard enough to make me jump. You make my tummy look like an alien resides in it. You get hiccups quite often and it's still really cute, although stronger than they were a few weeks ago. I'm sure within the next few weeks I will be wishing there was a way I could help you be rid of those darn hiccups. But for now, I love them. I love feeling you move about. I know your schedule, pretty much, now and it's so cool that we're bonding already. I love how you wake up as soon as your big brother gets homes from school :)

Mommy and Daddy are working on your room now. I have so many ideas in my head for how I want your room to look, so I hope I can get them out of my head and into your room!

Also, some great news! I think you may FINALLY have a name! I haven't called you by it and I will not even write it out, for fear that it will change...AGAIN! So for now, just rest assured that you will not be leaving the hospital nameless. We love you!!

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