Thursday, July 21, 2011

15 weeks

Wow! In the beginning, I felt like the weeks were dragging by. Maybe because I was soooo sick. However, now I feel like time is flying! I'm almost halfway through with the pregnancy, which (right now at least) sucks to me because I am JUST now started to enjoy it! I'm feeling better, reflux is finally under control (fingers crossed), and I'm feeling more human as each day goes on. The best thing yet?? I CAN FEEL YOU MOVE! Oh my goodness! I was told this would be the best feeling in the world, and it is absolutely true. I smile each and everytime I feel you, which has been very often these past two days. You are VERY active in there! I wish I could see what you are up to in there. I know that you like to tease us when we try to listen to you on the doppler now. I can instantly find you with the doppler and you will stay there for a few seconds and the there's a LOUD thump when you kick the doppler and hop away! Next thing I know your heart beat is nowhere to be found and you are now on the other side of my stomach. Then I move the doppler and we start the game all over again. Yesterday, your big brother wanted to listen. Boy did he get a laugh out of you kicking the doppler. I bet he hopes you will pull antics like that once you come home! Then you guys will be double trouble ;)

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