Friday, July 29, 2011

16 weeks

I went for my monthly check up this week, to check on you and to make sure I'm growing on track as well. You are doing just fine! Very active in there and your heart rate seems to stay on the higher end of the 160s. Such a beautiful sound :)As for me, I'm finally doing better and putting back on the weight I lost in the 1st trimester. I still have 3lbs to gain to get to the weight I was before getting pregnant, but I'm sure I will be there soon enough ;) The Dr asked us if we wanted to have the triple screen test done to find out if there was any possibility that there could be something wrong with you. We denied the testing b/c we know that no matter what, we will love you for who you are despite any disabilities or health problems. We've waited far too long for you and nothing will keep us from meeting you in a few months!

I'm off to pack our bags now for Orlando! Your first trip to Disney and we hope to take you again in the future when you can actually enjoy the sights and sounds. Love you!!

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