Friday, September 2, 2011

21 weeks

You definitely scared me this week!! I thought I would be writing from bed this week. Early Tuesday morning, I turned over in my sleep and started screaming in pain. My back felt as if something stabbed me and was turning the knife inside me. I tried to stay still in bed and just sleep it off but by morning, I could barely move. It hurt so bad. I stayed in bed all day and just dealt with the pain but by the afternoon, it was just too much to bear so I called the Dr. The nurse thought it could be a UTI and the Dr wanted to see me the next day just to check things out. And of course you wouldn't stop there...I started having braxton hicks, which are really just painless contractions. So I got in bed for the night and prayed everything was ok. I knew you were fine b/c you kicked and moved around all night. You were more active than ever and even daddy was finally able to feel a kick from outside. That should have given me a clue as to what happened...

The next morning, my back felt much better. Just a little sore. I kept my appt b/c I was still having the braxton hicks. Got to the Dr and the first thing he did was try to locate your heart beat. You have been hanging out on my left side for the ENTIRE pregnancy, so far, so naturally that's where the Dr went to find you but you weren't there. It took a bit longer to find your heartbeat this time and lo and behold, we finally found you in my lower right side. So then we knew what caused that awful back flipped! You are now head down and that's probably why we were finally able to feel those kicks from outside. And when you flipped, it must have pushed out my ribs. I just know that it hurt! And since you still have room, you will probably flip again. But do mommy a favor and hang out in that position for a while longer ;)

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