Thursday, June 9, 2011

9 weeks

April 29. The day that our family was changed forever. It definitely caught us by surprise! I had been feeling ill for about a week, and was having strange food aversions and a weird taste in my mouth. I started to convince myself that I was pregnant, even though my period wasn't even late yet. This wasn't the first time I convinced myself I was pregnant, so I knew I was setting myself up for a broken heart. So, on April 29, after work I decided to run out and grab a cheap pregnancy test. I figured at least the sight of a negative test would stop me from psyching myself out. So I hurried home and immediately went upstairs to use the test. I will never forget what I saw and the emotions that went through me at that very moment. First, I was in doubt. There is no way that this test is positive. NO WAY! I stared for a while, then took the test downstairs to your daddy. He told me he saw a plus sign. I couldn't believe it. I ran out and got a better test. Came home and used that one. TWO PINK LINES!!! OMG WE DID IT!!! I laughed, cried, and praised God!

See, we were told by 3 different Drs that we could not conceive without IVF. I have endometriosis and my right tube and ovary are completely covered in scar tissue. So my chances were very low, of conceiving without medical intervention. One thing about your mommy, is that I never stop fighting for something that I want. We were saving money for IVF, but in my heart, I knew we could do this on our own. And surprise!!! Here you are!

So far, you are growing so well! We heard your heart beat just a little over a week ago and it was like music to my ears. I cannot believe that you are growing and thriving in my belly!! Mommy has been pretty sick, though, for the past 3 weeks. Trying to get food into my stomach for you has been hard. We have a great Dr, though, so I know all will be well.

You are due on Jan 12, 2012 and I cannot wait to meet you. My miracle baby!!

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