Thursday, December 29, 2011

Elias Parker

Born on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at 6:42pm 5lbs 7oz 18.5 inches long. The story of your birth is just as amazing and beautiful as you are!

Daddy had a business trip planned for Dec 17-19. We both worried that it was just too close to your due date, which was Jan 12 (c section planned for Jan 5), although Daddy was FAR more concerned than I was. At my most recent Drs appt, I wasn't making any progress so I didn't expect any action at all while Daddy was away. Still, your Nana came to spend the weekend to help me out with your big brother. It was a pretty uneventful weekend. The only things that stood out were that I was a bit cranky, very exhausted, and VERY emotional! I cried almost all weekend for no reason at all! My appetite was pretty small as well. But I had no signs of labor what so ever. Daddy was expected to be home Monday night and Nana had to leave to work the night shift. I was feeling really exhausted and emotional on Monday. I only ate a bowl of spaghetti all day. At about 7:45 that night, just before Nana left, Jayden came up to me and kissed my belly and said "Mommy, baby brother is ready to come out." I teared up and said "I know baby. I'm ready for him to come out too." Nana asked Jayden how the baby would get out of mommy's tummy and somehow Jayden knew, even though we never spoke to him about this...He took his hands and made make believe scissors and cut across my belly. Yeah, he's just as amazing as you are :) Nana left at 8. Daddy got home at 9. That's when the fun began!

At 9:30, I started feeling some uncomfortable cramping. By 10, I noticed that they had a pattern to them and were getting a bit worse each time. I started to time them and they went from being 4.5 minutes apart to being 3 minutes apart by a little after 11pm. I had to wake Daddy up and let him know we needed to go to the hospital. Since it was so late and your big brother was already in bed, Daddy drove around the corner to pick up your older cousin so she could be at home with Jayden while I was examined at the hospital. I half way packed a bag for myself. just in case, and left it by my closet door, just in case. I definitely didn't expect that I'd need Daddy to come back home and get it for me. We got to the hospital at 12:30 am and I was immediately hooked up to the monitors and the nurses saw how quickly I was contracting so they contacted the Dr on call. Since I was only 36 weeks and 6 days, the Dr wanted to try and stop the contractions b/c it was still a bit early for you to come. They gave me an injection and it worked for maybe 20 minutes or so. Once it wore off the contractions were back, stronger and faster. The nurses came speeding in about an hour later with an IV pole and vials to draw blood. The nurse said "You are really cranking out the contractions now so we need to get you set up just in case." The plan was to try and get me some fluids and then contact my Dr at 7am to get a plan. I tried to get some sleep but it wasn't happening. The nurse offered me pain meds but I refused b/c I was afraid to be sent home and left to worry if the medications had a negative affect on you. I figured the pain was no worse than really bad menstrual cramps so I dealt with them. Dr B came in at 7 on the dot. He said , "Well I wasn't expecting to see you here so soon!" He said I was having some pretty intense contractions but that he would rather keep you in as long as possible to allow more time for your lungs to mature, so I was going to stay in the hospital for observation and be rechecked later that afternoon. I was already 1cm dilated so if I was still 1cm that afternoon and the contractions slowed a good bit, I could go home, however if I was progressing then I would either stay longer or have a baby!! He asked me to rate my pain and I said, with a smile, oh a 5 or a 6 but nothing too bad! lol! Dr. B allowed me to have breakfast but nothing after that "just in case"!! It was all so excited, but I truly expected to get discharge papers when he came back to check me. I continued to contract with very few breaks in between. I napped on and off through out the day. Dr B was supposed to be back by 12 but ended up getting backed up in clinic. By then, I was STARVING and my mouth was so dry. I couldn't have ANYTHING :( By 2, the contractions worsened and the fact that I was so thirsty didn't help things at all. My nurse called Dr. B and he promised he'd be there in the next hour and a half to see me. By 3, the contractions were unbearable. I forgot about any hunger pains b/c the pains from the contractions were front and center! Daddy felt helpless. My nurse came in and started getting paperwork signed for the c section and anything else surrounding your birth b/c she said judging from the contractions I probably wouldn't be released today! I was in tears by the time Dr. B came back to check me. He walked in the door just as I was having another contraction and he looked at my face and said "You've made my decision so much easier. We're going to go ahead with the c section today." Of course, I asked if you would be okay and Dr. B said that although you would still be considered premature, he's sure that you won't need extensive or long term help with breathing, but the NICU staff would be standing by just in case. Lots of "just in case" surrounding you!

So then the phone calls began! The baby is coming today!! Within 30 minutes, the room was filled...Daddy, Nana, Paw Paw, Uncle Jason, and your great Aunt Tricia! My mind went from the pain of the contractions to "OMG I'm about to have a c section!!" Then it shifted to, "OMG, I'm about to have a spinal!!!", then finally it shifted to "OMG, I'm about to have my baby!!! After 7 yrs and I'm about to go into the OR and HAVE A BABY!!" The tears started flowing! The nurse came in to get me and I kissed Daddy on the cheek and off we went to the OR to get prepped.

I won't lie, the spinal was not painful, but it wasn't comfortable either. I was so glad once it was over. The anesthesiologists were so friendly, as were the nurses. Everyone was shuffling about doing their duties and casually talking to each other. Next thing I know, Dr B walks in and the nurse gloves him up, just like I'd seen happen on the birthing shows on TLC. Only now, it's happening to's real!!! Dr. B looks at me and says, "Are you ready to have a baby??" YES, YES I AM!!!

The blue curtain went up. They placed the nasal cannula in my nose. I heard the word "incision" but felt nothing. The anesthesiologist asked if I was ok and I said yes and he said "Good b/c they started about 30 seconds ago!" A few minutes later, Daddy walked in. He was so intrigued by the surgery that he wouldn't even sit down next to me. He wanted to watch and I didn't mind! I wanted him to see you come into this world. My c section took a bit longer than usual b/c of the scar tissue from my previous surgeries but once they got to you they announced "He has LOTS of hair!!" Then they pushed you out! You had your cord wrapped around your neck once but cried as soon as they got you out. I heard a nurse say "He's a tiny thing but he's doing well!" Daddy went over to take pictures while I was stitched back up. Your cry was like sweet music to my ears and I just laid there listening to it play and I smiled! Daddy came back over to me to give me a kiss and I asked who you looked like and he showed me a picture of you. Amazingly, you looked like your big brother to me! Maybe 10 minutes later, the nurse handed you to me. I was still lying flat on the operating table but I remember pulling you in to my face to smell you and give you a kiss and oh my, you were sooooo soft!!! You had your eyes closed and you were so peaceful and content. I was immediately in love with you. I handed you over b/c I couldn't feel if I was going to drop you or not and then the nurse said they needed to take you to the NICU b/c she thought you may need some oxygen. Once in recovery, I learned that you had some rapid, shallow breathing but they were able to hold off on giving you oxygen b/c you corrected your breathing yourself. You did need to stay in the warmer for a while to bring up your body temperature, but otherwise you were fine!When I was wheeled to my room, they wheeled me past the nursery and I got a good look at you in your warmer. You were fussing and sucking your fingers b/c you were hungry! My arms ached to hold you but I had to wait. Finally, you were brought to my room at 10pm. FINALLY!!! After 7 long years of praying for you and thing you would never be, you were in my arms!! My little Elias Parker!! I was beyond thrilled. It was just you and me and Daddy. It was perfect. Your big brother was going to meet you on the next day so he would be afraid of mommy being hooked up to so many machines.

When Jayden came to meet you, it was THE SWEETEST moment ever. You were in the nursery getting checked out by the pediatrician when Jayden got there. He gave me a kiss and said "Where's my baby brother?" About 5 minutes later, the Dr wheeled you in. The look on Jayden's face was as if she'd brought him the BEST christmas gift ever!! He announced, "I'M SO HAPPY!!" Then he held you for the first time and the look of joy on his face reminded me that Jayden has been waiting a long time to meet you as well.

You are 9 days old now and you are a complete joy. You seriously never fuss, and when you do cry it's the CUTEST little cry ever. I can cuddle with you all day, and since you are breastfeeding it's pretty much all I do right now. Jayden is still so in love with you and he tells you everyday. He even shared his beloved Wayne with you last night. I didn't think I had enough love left in my heart for a second child b/c of the love I have for Jayden, but Elias, when you were born it's as if my heart grew 10 times bigger and filled with so much more love for both you and Jayden! I didn't know love like that was possible. I am so very happy that you are here and I can't wait to watch you and Jayden grow up as brothers and friends. You are totally amazing to me and I am blessed to have you!

Oh, and thank you for waiting for Daddy to get home before making your grand entrance! I love you Elias!!!