Thursday, September 29, 2011

25 weeks

Oops! It's been a while, but you are not making it easy for me to sit up and blog weekly! We had a small scare last week, with some severe pain I'm having on my left side in one small area. I had a fibroid removed years ago so there is scar tissue inside of my uterus that will be stretched as you get bigger, so the Dr feared that it was getting weak already (which wouldn't be a good thing). So I went in for another ultrasound and you were head down and obviously running out of extra space to flip as much as you used to. Then the Dr asked me to point to the painful area. He put the wand in that spot and there was 85% of your entire body! All stuffed on my left side! So you are putting more pressure on my left side, which is where my scar tissue is, but so far so good. I just have to bear with the pain. It's better on some days though and feeling you move around and have hiccups outweighs any growing pains! I love you lots and cannot wait to meet you. However, stay put as long as you can :)

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