Friday, July 29, 2011

16 weeks

I went for my monthly check up this week, to check on you and to make sure I'm growing on track as well. You are doing just fine! Very active in there and your heart rate seems to stay on the higher end of the 160s. Such a beautiful sound :)As for me, I'm finally doing better and putting back on the weight I lost in the 1st trimester. I still have 3lbs to gain to get to the weight I was before getting pregnant, but I'm sure I will be there soon enough ;) The Dr asked us if we wanted to have the triple screen test done to find out if there was any possibility that there could be something wrong with you. We denied the testing b/c we know that no matter what, we will love you for who you are despite any disabilities or health problems. We've waited far too long for you and nothing will keep us from meeting you in a few months!

I'm off to pack our bags now for Orlando! Your first trip to Disney and we hope to take you again in the future when you can actually enjoy the sights and sounds. Love you!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

15 weeks

Wow! In the beginning, I felt like the weeks were dragging by. Maybe because I was soooo sick. However, now I feel like time is flying! I'm almost halfway through with the pregnancy, which (right now at least) sucks to me because I am JUST now started to enjoy it! I'm feeling better, reflux is finally under control (fingers crossed), and I'm feeling more human as each day goes on. The best thing yet?? I CAN FEEL YOU MOVE! Oh my goodness! I was told this would be the best feeling in the world, and it is absolutely true. I smile each and everytime I feel you, which has been very often these past two days. You are VERY active in there! I wish I could see what you are up to in there. I know that you like to tease us when we try to listen to you on the doppler now. I can instantly find you with the doppler and you will stay there for a few seconds and the there's a LOUD thump when you kick the doppler and hop away! Next thing I know your heart beat is nowhere to be found and you are now on the other side of my stomach. Then I move the doppler and we start the game all over again. Yesterday, your big brother wanted to listen. Boy did he get a laugh out of you kicking the doppler. I bet he hopes you will pull antics like that once you come home! Then you guys will be double trouble ;)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

13 weeks

The second trimester! Time is really flying by :) My intentions were to write to you at least once a week, but the first trimester was extremely hard for me. Not only was I extremely exhausted, I was very, very sick. By the 6th week of pregnancy, I started throwing up just about everything I ate. Drinking was very hard as well. I lost a lot of weight and became dehydrated. I had to go to the emergency room for fluids and monitoring and was placed on bed rest for a week in order to allow my body to use catch up to all of the changes going on (and to hopefully gain some weight). I will not lie, it was miserable :( The medicines that the Dr gave only took the edge off, but I knew that you were thriving so it was all worth it! I finally started feeling a bit better at the 10 week mark, but just as things were going well I had a new concern. I was leaking fluid and the Dr suspected it was amniotic fluid. The fluid you need to survive. The Dr decided to perform an ultrasound to check on your fluid level. In the end, you were just fine and I got to sneak a peek at you again. I think you were sleeping!

Everyone says that the second trimester is the best. I am finally starting to feel a lot better so I do hope that it proves true for me. My weight gain is still negative, and besides a little belly pouch, I have no evidence of you inside of me. My only constant reminder is through a little machine called a doppler. I can place it on my belly and listen to your heart beat. I love listening to it and what I love even more is how you run away from the doppler. :) One second, I can hear your heart beat really loudly and then it will slowly get lower and lower as you move away from the wand. I can't feel you move yet, but it's fun to know that you are moving around in there and actually responding to my touch. As I listen to your heart beat, I talk to you, I pray for you, and I thank God for you. I love you so much already!!