Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2 months!!

Mommy has been trying to get to this post for more than a week now! I regret not blogging about your big brother until he was 6 months old, but now I remember why that was so hard! There's always a little person who needs me, and now there are 2 little people who need me and I would much rather be spending my time with those little people than blogging. However, I wish I did blog about Jayden's earlier days b/c as I watch you each day I wonder if Jayden did this or that...Did Jayden sleep as much as you do? When did Jayden first smile at me? How much did Jayden weigh at 2 months old? I hate that I don't remember all of that for him. And it seems as if those days FLEW by! So I want to remember this fast paced time in your life.

You came home from the hospital when you were 2 days old, despite being what the Drs referred to as a late term preemie. They were impressed by your strength and one Dr even questioned your gestational age and the date of conception. However, mommy and daddy tried for over 7 yrs to have you so we do know the exact date of conception ;) You were just a strong 36 weeker :) I found out early on that you actually never had your nights and days mixed up. You are a great sleeper, just like your big brother! Your Auntie Jenny even said "No fair!! It's time for you to have a kid that doen't sleep!" b/c your cousin Livy has always hated going to sleep! lol! You love your mama's milk! So much so that you were gaining a 1lb every 2 weeks! The Dr was so very impressed and said to just keep doing what we are doing. We both dealt with a PAINFUL bout of thrush which proved to be really hard to get rid of. I believe we dealt with it for about 3 weeks, but it felt like an eternity. You didn't let that stop you from getting your milk though! You latched on like a pro and as soon as you felt the milk in your mouth your leg would get straight and you'd curl your toes. Super cute! You are not much of a pacifier guy unless you are really tired and even then you only suck it until you are just about to fall asleep and then you push it out with your tongue :)

At 4 weeks old, we were reminded that although you are a strong baby, you were still born a bit early and your lungs are vulnerable to infection. Your big brother came home from school with a virus and the Dr stressed how important it was to keep you two separated. Unfortunately, you ended up with a cough that soon turned into RSV and bronchitis. Your O2 levels were fine and of course you were still feeding like a champ, and that is what kept you out of the hospital, but you needed breathing treatments around the clock. The Dr warned me that this is bound to happen to you quite often so we have to keep a close eye on that. I was so happy when you were feeling better b/c I hate seeing my babies sick!

By 7 weeks old, you were officially smiling at me!! It is seriously the cutest smile ever (aside from your big brother's!) You would often wake up and as soon as you see my face you shoot me a HUGE grin :)

You are now 10 weeks old and just under 10lbs. The growth chart shows that you are in the 5th-10th percentile which surprised me b/c I thought you looked really big for a 2 month old. Then I remember that many babies are born at 8-9lbs, so you do have a little bot of catching up to do, but you are perfectly proportionate. Cute things do come in small packages!

Elias, you have been a joy and a perfect addition to our family in just 10 weeks. We cannot imagine life without you and can't wait to spend the rest of our years with you! We love you so much Fat Face!!