Friday, November 11, 2011

31 weeks

I can just feel you in my arms!!! Smell your newborn sweetness!! I cannot wait to see your face, and you obviously don't want me to see it until the big day. Mommy and Daddy paid $150 to try and see your face with a 3d ultrasound. You were too busy napping and sucking on your thumb. We were disturbing your peace so the most you gave us was a quick glance, sucking hard on your thumb, and few blinks of your eyes before turning your head into the placenta! The tech rescheduled us for a complimentary second visit since you didn't want any pictures that day. I had an ultrasound at the Drs office yesterday, to check your growth and position. You are now head down and facing my spine. All I saw yesterday was the back of your head! Tomorrow is our complimentary visit to try and see you again. If you don't turn around, we'll just have to frame our 3D picture of the back of your head.

Sweet boy, you cannot be camera shy b/c your mommy has a camera just waiting on your arrival!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 weeks

The final stretch!!

Last week, we actually had a little scare! Mommy had to go to the Labor and Delivery ward to be monitored and we found out that I was having contractions. The nurse gave me a shot to stop the contractions and I was released with medication to take every 8 hours and orders for bedrest. No more work for me, just in case you were wondering why you hadn't heard any babies crying lately ;)

So now I'm spending my free time, in between resting of course, to fix up your nursery and prepare for your arrival. I cannot believe I'm going to be meeting you in less than 2 more months!! After 7 yrs of waiting for you, you are almost here! Words cannot express my excitement. Mommy loves you!